Sly Foux


Sly Foux, a Petersburg VA native gets dubbed “The Chameleon'' out of AnomalisRadio crew- because not only does Sly find the smoothest blends, he’s also the most adaptable- always reading the vibe, and making sure he’s contributing the right energy for the room.

Sly Foux crew AnomalisRadio that now has 18 guest mixes from 5 countries & 2 original albums later(including a 13 track cassette compilation) and a 4 track EP.

What does liberation mean to you?

Liberation is elevation of mind, body, and spirit. Upgraded Consciousness. Music gives us all liberation.


Instagram: slyfoux
Affliations: AnomalisRadio, PLF, Butter Collective, Afrooobetaaa, ElectricSun
Upcoming Release: Dear World Compilation
SoundCloud: sly-foux

DJMarshall StukesRVA