Liber8 URL

Liber8 URL is one of the new additions to the Liber8 series. Liber8 URL will be an audiovisual experience streamed on Twitch.

Liber8 URL will highlight the community cross section of the sounds of the African diaspora and the global vision of liberation through mixes by non-U.S. DJs and visuals by artists from the U.S. and around the world. Even though Juneteenth is a uniquely American holiday, liberation is universal throughout the world. Join us and the community in connecting in a virtual space where the vibrations of resistance will ring alongside visions of revolution.

If you are a non-U.S. artist and are interested in submitting a mix, or are a visual artist interested in contributing visual art pieces, fill out the Liber8 URL interest form. Link in bio. The interest deadline is May 29th. The submission deadline is June 5th.

Line Up



Liber8 URL
Mon Jun 17 - Fri Jun 21