
Dominick McDuffie (b.1993) is an emerging multi-disciplinary artist specializing in documentary photography and DJing. Combining his deep understanding of diverse musical traditions with a keen sense of rhythm and an innate ability to read the energy of the crowd, Dominick effortlessly blends genres and styles, creating an electrifying atmosphere wherever he performs. Dominick sets are also about honoring the rich tradition of Black house and techno music. Dominick also uses his creativity within event curation. Dominick is one of four cofounders of Oasis, Oasis is a Black artist project that emphasizes on providing safe, creative, inclusive parties. Oasis was founded as a response to what the nightlife scene needed. Oasis has been a beacon to many young people with events exceeding 300 people in fall 2021. Dominick also hosts a monthly residency called Curfew at Casa Brasil. The event has the intention of giving DJ’s the freedom to express themselves through music selection. Guest DJ’s for the event are different every month and priority is given to BIPOC artists. Dominick sees space creation as an important part of his practice.

What does liberation mean to you?

Liberation means imagining a new future as well as honoring our past ancestors and revolutionary practices. Liberation means navigating life questioning, challenging and tearing down the capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal propaganda that has been ingratiated in every day life. Liberation means creating new spaces and systems to cry, laugh, dance and truly be free. Liberation means operating life with presence and appreciation, as a piece of liberation can be found everyday in black boy’s laugh, on a sweaty club floor, or in the stories of our elders. Liberation is everything to me.


Affiliation: Oasis, Curfew
Upcoming Event: Curfew Casa Brasil Farewell Party. May 25th. 5904 Bryant St 9:30-1:30AM Curfew Day Party. June 4th. 7401 Tioga St 5-9PM Oasis Inside Out. Carnegie Museum of Art. July 6th 5-9
SoundCloud: |DOM|
Website: domcduffie.com

DJMarshall StukesPGH